News of Awesome: HBOhio Edition

Every so often there is an event that will come to define a generation.

A moment that will not only be remembered by not only those who were a part of it, but will be lived out vicariously by all mankind in a shared consciousness as a celebration of a time when we were all, truly, part of something special.

Alongside those events, other things happen – things that may not define a generation, but stand as one of the top peaks on Mount Epic in the lives of a few fortunate individuals.

HBOhio is one of those things.

HBOhio logo

Nestled in the Buckeye State’s capital, HBOers from all over descend to Rev’s humble abode today for a weekend LAN goodness covered in Halo sauce (which is tangy but robust, FYI).

(Being more of a lurker on Halo.Bungie.Org I want to take this moment to again thank Revenant for allowing me to come – I can’t say it enough!)

I’ve never met any of the group before, but we’ve all been to the same vacation spots – tearing it up on Installation 04, inspecting a power station on Earth, running around on Balaho’s moon – and that gives us a familiarity that anyone who loves the franchise knows well.

Those are my thoughts heading in and I’ll be hitting the road shortly. I may be posting (possibly pics?) throughout, or I may just take in the moments as they come. You can definitely expect a write-up when it’s all over though.

But enough talk of endings – the good times are just getting started! See you there!


>>>>>>>[Post tenebras lux]


  1. You lucky, lucky man. Wish me and Quim Ninja could be out there with you good sir but alas we will have to make do with seeing your updates (hopefully photos) and imagining we are battling alongside you. Enjoy yourself my good man.



    1. Really appreciate it man – we rarely get chances like this to get with a group of like-minded people to enjoy something we love, am I right? I definitely feel very fortunate.

      It would rock to have you guys here for it, there’s no doubt. If I can I’ll post a few times, but we’ll see how lazy … ahem … how busy things are.

      Recording a sweet event with pictures/words is always tricky, because I think, “do I want to stop having fun so I can write about the fun I’m having?” 🙂


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